First off: the girls and I managed to find a housemate replacement and a place in Seattle in record time! I didn't even have to do anything on the PDX front: Kristen saw that there was too much on my plate, and stepped in as our official roommate huntress. You have no idea how much I'm going to miss living with these girls.
Secondly: I married off my Nikki this weekend! It was...a little stressful for us bridesmaids as it gone down to the wire, but it all went off without a hitch and was beautiful. I even got most of my family involved: Dad was the officiant (yes, my father the blasphemer is now ordained. Did it just for the occasion. Thanks, Universal Life Church!), Tony was shanghaied into doing the music, and I was Mistress of Ceremonies on top of my general bridesmaiding duties. It was fantastic, and I’ve never seen Nikki or Dan happier (though I'm pretty sure they were mostly just glad to get it over with). Plus it gave the fam two nights near the ocean, so hurray!
Third off: work has been rather taxing this month. We had four free admission days for the public, which meant that I had to give up a Saturday to answer, over and over, “Yes, we’re free. No, just for museum admission. No, we don’t operate the Jet Boats, go away.” On top of this I was just informed that I need to make a switchboard instruction manual of sorts for my replacement, as Human Resources hasn’t even gotten around to forwarding applications to my bosses, let alone begun interviews. I’ve only got two four-day weeks left. Megan (my boss boss. As opposed to my boss, or my boss boss boss) is stressed, to say the least.
Fourth off: I FOUND A PLACE IN SEATTLE! After more weekend day trips and more tanks of gas consumed than I care to think about (I’m going to have to forgo driving for the rest of the year in atonement) I settled on a wonderful duplex in, you guessed it, Wallingford. The building is from 1910, it’s adorable, the location is amazing, and the rent is within budget. I’ll be sharing half the duplex with a gal named Allison, and I have a good feeling that we will mesh quite well. The funniest thing, though, is that when we met for the first time and were making small talk it came out that Allison’s previous housemate was in the same school program as me, just a year ahead! Allison was then able to forward me said ex-roommate’s email, and I was able to grill her both about the duplex and about the Museology program. The consensus is that the place is awesome, Allison is awesome, and the program is difficult as fuck (but awesome). This left me feeling not-so-very-confident, but I can't say it was a surprise.
Fifth off: finally got my class registration packet in the mail. Holy fuck. I am geeking out so hard. I’ll spare you the details, but suffice to say I am in agonies of joy and indecision.
Sixth and finally: I’m worried about Duke. Since January he has been getting prograssively stiffer and moving ever more slowly slower, until he finally wasn’t moving at all from his spot by the front door. We took him to the vet, and the diagnosis is severe and rapidly worsening arthritis in his hips, which had been developing for years but escalated with the arrival of that little whore of a schnauzer. If they end up putting my dog down because Dad’s little breeding experiment won‘t stop chasing him, I can’t be held responsible for what happens to her. For now we’ve got Duke on canine aspirin and chondroitin, but it only has a limited effect.
Samba, your days are officially numbered.