Writing Prompt: Open!!

Dec 31, 2010 22:27


Just outside of Painswick sat a small village called Lewdman's Bog. It was beautiful, but laden with muggles-- not one magical person lived in the whole village. Still, Allie enjoyed walking around it's little park. At the parks center was the bog in which it got it's name. Lewdman's Bog was really more of a lake, and in the summer time it served as a gathering point for the village residents. Now, it was winter, and Allie expected the lake's shore to be empty.

But, of course, she was wrong. As she made her way down the path, she heard people chattering in the distance. She ducked behind a snow covered bush, listening.

"Twenty-five pounds!" the voice was familiar to Allie She peered around the bend, unsurprised at the person she saw standing on Lewdman's Bog dock. His name was Nicholas, the son of a wealthy muggle man, and a right prat. Allie often saw him about town flaunting his money, pushing people around, toting his gang about. It looked like he was up to his old tricks again, "I'll give you twenty-five pounds if you jump into the water!"

The other's on the dock-- young men he typically rolled around town with --looked at each other apprehensively. One of them, scratched the back of his head, then spoke up, "Nicolas, it's bloody cold! That water's freezin' it is!"

"Come on!" He spat, reaching into his jacket pocket. He pulled out a wad of bills secured by a money clip. Allie's eyes widened. "Fifty pounds to the man that jumps in!"

They glanced at eachother, none more likely to take the deal than the next.

"Buck up!" Nicholas started to flip through the bills, "A hundred pound?"

A hundred pounds? That was twenty galleons! If she had been one of the boys on the dock, she would've tossed herself into the ice cold water already. She pushed down a few branches to get a better look as Nicolas made his final offer.

"Two hundred pounds to the man who jumps in!" he said, exasperated. When no one jumped at his last plea, Nicolas went to shove his money back into his coat pocket.

"Wait!" Allie shouted before she could stop herself. Before she jumped out of the bush, Allie mumbled a quick series of warming charms, then hurried toward the dock, "What about woman?" she almost laughed, watching all their eyebrows raise, "I'll do it?"

Nicholas was floored, he glanced at his mates who seemed to be equally surprised, then back at Allie, "Deal-"

Allie smirked, poised to take her leap off the dock.

"-but in your knickers." The boys snickered, obvious thrilled at the idea.

Allie rolled her eyes; of course there'd be a catch. She sent Nicholas a sharp look, eyes narrowed, "Double it and I'll match the deal."

Nicholas smirked, impressed with her ambition. He nodded his head toward the water, "In you go, then."

Allie sighed, slipping off her wool jacket and letting it fall to the dock. She slinked out of her sweater dress, happy her knickers were black-- it was like wearing a bikini. Before they could hoot or holler, Allie tossed herself into the water. She braced herself for the cold, but the warming charms held; it was like sinking into a hot bath. Allie swam for the surface, breaking through to gasp for air. She feigned struggle, hands clapping at the the surface as she tried to keep her head above water. The men on the dock stared, flabbergasted.

"Are you mental!" one finally blurted out, stripping off his own long coat. The other's followed in suit, "Get her out!"

Allie reached for their extended hands, and they hoisted her onto the wooden planks. She forced herself to shiver, hugging their small frame as they swaddled her with their coats.

"Here!" Nicolas shoved the pounds into her open hand, shaking his head, "You've earned it!"

Allie smiled, teeth chattering, "Th- th- thanks!"
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