am not even PMS-ing so WTH?

Mar 12, 2010 23:24

I hate feeling this way. Part of it is the weather. It's been gray, cloudy and a little rainy since Tuesday.  It's supposed to be that way through tomorrow too. I haven't been working out like I should be either. So my middle is all smooshy.

There was the stuff with my car last week, that has me scared that next time it will be a lot worse. I can't afford to buy a different car right now! Yet another year that, my tax return going into my damn car!

I got my Angels and Airwaves tickets in the mail yesterday, but I can't even get excited about them. I don't even know if I'm going. Ashley at work, is gone on Spring Break and hasn't gotten back to me at all. Another friend of mine, has stuff going on in her family right now and isn't sure either. So I pretty much have till, the end of the month, to find someone or sell my tickets. If it was at any other venue, that was not right downtown, in not the best neighborhood, I would go alone and just have one to sell. Still have NO idea how I will go about doing that though.

Then, out of the blue, I'm missing Jake really bad! He, of course being from work. He's no longer with the company. Found him yet again on Facebook. I had friended him, he friended me back, then one day he's no longer on my list! But through a co-workers post, I found him. I thought best not to friend him back a 3rd time. That would be creepy. But his picture file is open! :-P

So I'm missing him really back and this all started with seeing Avatar. Sam Worthington reminds me SO much of Jake it's crazy! And the fact that Sam plays a guy named Jake really didn't help matters. It's pretty much the reason why I saw it again. Now I am really into Sam. *giggles* I sat and made about 12 icons of him today!

So today I did shower but when right back into my jammies. I watched disc 2 and 3 of Buffy season 4 and that was IT! :-(

EDIT~ March 13th Noon

Today was another day, that I laid in bed for an hour, before getting up. Partly the weather is at fault. I broke down and listened to the CD that I did, at the high point of my Jake thing. I just can't seen to snap out of the funky mood!

emo, sam worthington, angels and airwaves, buffy, jake

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