Feb 27, 2010 23:56
Do I even HAVE to say it? Who I am referring to You.Know.Who. called in AGAIN!
When I got to work, before I even made it into the department, my boss takes me aside. Of course I think the worst and that I am in trouble. I have a fear of management "thanks" to my former job. I told him that I honestly had dinner plans with my parents. He assured me I was fine. We go into one of the lower offices and he closes the door. "You.Know.Who. called in." As I sat there, I shook my head and had a feeling of, I just don't care anymore. Whatever. He's dead to me now. I don't care if I ever speak to him again. Even if he's truly sick, I do not care. If that makes me a heartless bitch that so be it. He better not show up tomorrow, because I am not responsible for what I may say. he has GOT to know that I am going to be mad at him. If You.Know.Who shows up, I am going to say just one thing. "Do not talk to me." Should make working with him fun huh? I have to say that, my boss and I had a really good talk. I expressed to him, how frustrated I was about it all. That I felt like, I was the one always getting dumped on. Getting stuck closing alone. I told him that, I can't understand why, You.Know.Who keeps getting away with doing this. My boss said that he's going to have a talk with him. But then again, they have said this before. Why the hell, haven't they ass a long time again. But the problem is, he's a charmer. He always gets his way. My younger cool assistant boss is great. We were able to clear a lot of stuff. Not coming in, when I am called, is NOT counting against me, on our upcoming yearly reviews. He told me that, I shouldn't feel like I am on call, when I'm not scheduled. That my time off is my time. That makes me feel a lot better.
I am doing fine, till I get to my department and I snapped. I got that all to familiar feeling that I was going to have some sort of panic attack. Then I was trying SO hard to hold back from crying. Never totally broke down but almost did. I got that overwhelming feeling of helplessness. I was SO ready to just walk out and say 'Screw you all!' I went into the back and took my frustration out on them. After a couple of hours I was OK. Everyone else that was working, could not have been more nice and sympathetic to me. Q was even nice to me. The one Team Lead that I hate the most "bribed" C and D who were only supposed to be there till 5:30, to stay till 7 and help me. It's amazing what 2 $15 gas cards will do. ;-) So before 7 came around, C and D had everything done. I only had like 30 mins of work to do and I was there till 9:30. So I sent them home a little early. They had already staid long enough to help me. I thanked them a few times over for helping me. It's just sad that, one bad seed can ruin and whole team you know?
Not long after, I sent C and D home, I see one of the closing Team Leads with some women, looking for one of the chefs coats that we are. WTH? So NOW.......when I have everything down, we get someone from another store to help me close? Sort of don't need her now. There is nothing for her to do. it was OK. I got to take my last break, that I was going to skip. When I saw here, I thought to myself that she looked like someone I knew. We had never met. Turns out that she used to work at the Post Office. Small world!
EDIT! OK so how f-ing cute and perfect is my new layout? How have I not seen it before? And I have had this icon made for ages! I might just keep it all Spring!
bad day