All because of ONE Live performance of All Time Low doing Dear Maria, I bought a nearly $30 t-shirt. *shakes head* LOL! Yes it is a guys t-shirt but it's adorable! Now I have a shirt to ware to the concert! I love the baseball style shirt anyways. Glamour Kills is such a cute line of clothes!
The video that caused the madness!
Alex is just too cute in this!
I did nothing but watch Family Guy 'Blue Harvest' yesterday afternoon. And I went though my clothes and got rid of a lot of it. I was getting tired of my dresser drawers not closing. Clothes that I have not worn in ages. Now I am off to work. I was SO glad to not have to have to drive anywhere yesterday. We ended up getting about 8 inches of SNOW! UGH! I thought that we might get like 4 inches 'cause the weather people like to over think things. Not the case. They were right for a change unfortunetly. :-( Not the sun is out and it's bright as hell outside! The sun off the new snow. Grrrrr! My cold is gone but now I have the cramps from hell. *cries* I work all weekend too. Goodie. I must get going I guess so I'm not late. not that I care if I am or not.