Jun 16, 2016 21:44
I got seriously yelled at by my customer boss today. I made an absentminded and honest mistake. There was another issue he yelled at me about too. We're in transition between him and the former boss. I was working on an estimate for the former boss who was procuring more money for a project. So I sent him a request for permission to bring someone over from India. New boss yelled at me for not going through him... which seemed odd since the money is coming from old boss. Whatever. I remained professional and apologized for my mistake and the confusion with the permission to bring the guy over from India. Then I cried all the way home. And I kept on crying when I got home.
I really hate this job again. It's uberstressful and I don't get to do anything I like anymore. I can't keep up and I'm miserable.
So about the thing with the boss... I forgive myself. I made an honest mistake. I am doing the best I can.
I might start looking for jobs again. I really want a job with more vacation and where I don't have to deal with this customer all the time.
I am down to 11.5 mg of prednisone. My face looks like a basketball with eyes. I keep poking my fatty fat cheek with my tonight. I can't believe how much fat I'm packing in my cheeks. I can't wait to get off the stuff. About 2 days after a taper, I get pain everywhere. So I stop reducing and wait for the pain to subside. Then I cut back again. Half a milligram at a time.
I had one more trip to Mayo on Wednesday to see the eye doctor. I wanted to find out what treatments they have in case my Graves' eye disease flares up again. I was disappointed that they don't treat flare ups. They wait until the damage is done and then fix everything surgically. That's just awful.
On the brighter side, the girls went with me. It was a mini-vacation.
And then I got home and found I had a jury summons... starting the day after my dad is supposed to arrive. That sucks. I have asked for a deferral. We shall see. The nice thing about jury duty is when you get called and you go sit there for 2 hours and then they send you home. You already have the day off work and no one ever has to know you went home early. I would be happy about jury duty if it weren't the days my dad is here.
Wow I'm boring.