Alliecat13's Halloween party:
__citizenerased dressed as a new superhero: Fly Torpedo.
absath dressed as a ghost.
ana_logical dressed as Bob Dylan.
bbushka18 dressed as Famke Janssen.
burned_n_scared dressed as a skunk.
copper7668 dressed as a bottle of Duckaplicit.
crooked_spin dressed as a part-time webmaster.
cry_honesty dressed as Batman.
cyber_zombie dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Patricia.
dariusiii dressed as a 1960's hippie child.
darsdanegel dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Thunderous Mercenary.
ekuangel dressed as Kimora Lee Simmons riding a elk.
fudan dressed as your sister.
ghostdawg23 dressed as a RobertaCo, Incorporated employee.
giantsillypanda dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Dorkey Chucklepants".
grlnxtdoor2418 forgot to put on clothes!
indigopop dressed as Mayor Quimby.
irishqtie16 dressed as George Bush.
joeyjacksmith dressed as the equator.
krem dressed as the President of Yemen.
lady1of1night dressed as the Marquis of Agilgran.
lonelytravis dressed as the main character of "Trainspotting".
pathos_apologia didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
puppet_freaksho dressed as the Governor of Wisconsin.
rather_confused dressed as Cmdr. Riker from "Star Trek".
rottenxsurgery didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
salitra dressed as a Level 14 sorcerer.
satanscircus dressed as Elvis Presley, though it looked more like a lime goblin.
sick_pretty dressed as a irate goblin.
tebrqlosis dressed as Winona Ryder.
usaf_wife_333 dressed as a flour arbitration.
vronkymae didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
wr_da_chldrn_at dressed as a fullback for the Panthers.
zwezy dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
Throw your own party at the
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