Dec 17, 2005 01:16
I MADE IT. MY FIRST SEMESTER IS OVER. I'm happy...but a little sad too. That's 1/8th of my college career OVER. Crazy to think about. I must say that I loved first semester. It's definitely been the time of my life...I can't say it's better than senior year....or's like a whole new level of fun. So much freedom, so much work, so many people, so many guys, so many chicks, so many intelligent people, so many serious conversations, so many thought provoking situations, so many giggles, VERY few tears, lots of working out, so many meals, loving my professors and then hating them, fire drills, 5E, 8W, 9E, JExam, Facebook, Myspace, 9W, psychology experiments, ridiculous papers, so much studying, tutoring, so much stress, Creswell, 9D, 8 AM classes, rain, humidity, the GAY buss system, "Anything But Mine," so many trips to Wally World, Target, and Taco Bell, the Smoker's Den, Little Italy, Starbuck's, Transmetropolitan, Grey's Anatomy, "Teenage Wasteland," so many drunk people, so many football games, tailgating, sweating, meeting so many people, me and Lindsey's "husbands," "I MEAN," Dashboard Confessional...I mean Chris Carabba, The All-American Rejects concert, Smallville, road trips...err, nevermind, Peking, reading so many dumb short stories, so many loads of laundry, not having so much money, Bolton grilled cheese, frat parties (ooo Fiji), Mario it, so many amazing people who are so different than me, and finally...shower and stall numero 5. Ha. There you have it. My memoirs from first semester. Well...some you'll know, and some you won't....but most I think you'll be familiar with.
As of right now...I have a 4.0. That's with my Intro to Business, FRES1020, Pre Cal, Psychology, and Weather and Climate grades entered. English has not been entered...and I think it'll probably be a B, but that's not that big of a deal. That'll be a 3.83...I'm happy for sure dizzle.
So I'm home and I'm pretty much happy. Not about having to clean my bathroom, my room, or any of that shiznit. But about sleeping in my own bed, having someone do my laundry, a turkey dinner tomorrow, and you know....that too, of course.
Me and my dad had some serious talk today. It was good...we're not really that close, so I was proud of myself. Even though we talked about alcohol, his perspective on drinking, alcoholism, etc. It was good. That's one of my New Year's resolutions to just get closer to my we'll see how it goes.
I did some thinking today. Some good thinking and some bad thinking. A talk needs to be made. Some things need to be stressed. We'll see how it goes.
I dunno...second thoughts are no fun.
Ha...ha...ha...I remember when it all began. On that very first day of school. Man I was so scared/nervous/full of anxiety. I loved it though. Every moment...the studying, the homework, the papers, etc. I'm so glad I chose UGA...and I'm so glad I live in room 917. Ahh...I love it.