Jun 13, 2007 23:09
Anberlin were fucking awesome.
I don't even know how else to explain it.
I just got home now and my ears are still ringing and I think I lost my voice, too.
There were two supports, Copeland and Angela's Dish.
Anberlin played for about an hour and a half. They played mostly stuff from Cities, but also a few from Never Take Friendship Personal. It was just fantastic. Also, there was no pushing and shoving in the crowd, which was a nice change, and we were a little way back but I could still see really well. They were so energetic and... omg, just, *squee!* I can't even explain how great they were.
Ha, also, this is a bit strange, but they did four encores. Like seriously, dimmed the lights, left the stage and came back four seperate times (although only at like, 45 second intervals! Usually you have to wait for aaaages for the encore)! First they played another song from Cities, left, then came back and did The Feel Good Drag, then back again and a cover of Radioheap's Creep, then for the last time.... Time & Confusion! I don't think I've ever been so happy as I was seeing that song live! They didn't play a couple of my favourites, but I'm so so so glad they played that one.
I don't want it to be over! :( Now I really have to get back to cramming for my 2 exams on saturday. I've been putting off studying for 2 weeks now, but I can't avoid it any longer- I've got nothing left to distract me from 2 full days of studying. -_-