It’s an earth song-
And I’ve been waiting long
For an earth song.
It’s a spring song!
I’ve been waiting long
For a spring song:
Strong as the bursting of young buds,
Strong as the shoots of a new plant,
Strong as the coming of the first child
From its mother’s womb-
An earth song!
A body song!
A spring song!
And I’ve been waiting so long
For an earth song.
April is National Poetry Month. Do you have a poetry month in your country? If not, make April your own personal poetry month, and post away! Favorite poet, favorite poems, original poems: whatever you so choose to share.
Today's poem is by Langston Hughes, one of my favorites, and I'll be posting poems of his often since I have saved so many beautiful ones.
I thought "Earth Song" was appropriate, since Thursday was the first proper spring day of the year (sunny and temperate and beautifully breezy), and yesterday was the first proper thunderstorm of the year.
I hope you enjoy them!