Fri, 12:52: RT @ CharlotteAlter: When a man accused of sexual assault beats the first woman presidential nominee and then appoints a man accused of sexu…
Fri, 12:52: RT @ JillFilipovic: Misogyny is a feature of the Republican Party, not a bug. Trump isn’t an aberration. Kavanaugh isn’t an aberration. Thes…
Fri, 13:05: RT @ maziehirono: This morning, @ SenKamalaHarris and I walked out of the Judiciary Committee markup on Brett Kavanaugh. This Committee and t…
Fri, 17:11: RT @ MaketheRoadAct: These two heroes, who confronted @ JeffFlake this morning, just changed the course of the Kavanaugh process. We❤️you so…
Sat, 09:52: RT @ voxdotcom: Both Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh fielded questions from lawmakers and prosecutor Rachel Mitchell. But only F…
Sat, 09:55: RT @ laurenduca: If Kavanaugh gets confirmed, we power through to the midterms, and start a conversation about impeachment and court reform.…
Sat, 09:58: RT @ KaitlinCurtice: Women: RT if you’ve ever walked through a parking lot with your keys between your fingers or pretended to talk on the p…
Sat, 10:27: RT @ FullFrontalSamB: We don't have a show tonight, but that's not going to stop Sam from weighing in on the garbage fire that was the la… h…