Sun, 12:29: RT @ kurteichenwald: Clinton on Benghazi: you can ask me anything you want. I’ll sit for 11 hours of questions before one congressional comm…
Sun, 12:35: RT @ jk_rowling: Made all my own money, never been investigated for collusion and can go a whole sentence without lying. Swings and roundabo…
Sun, 12:38: RT @ Evan_McMullin: Hillary Clinton testified to the House Benghazi Committee in public for 11 hours and @ realDonaldTrump won’t even sit wit…
Sun, 12:38: RT @ repjohnlewis: 57 years ago today I was released from Mississippi State Penitentiary, better known as Parchman, after being arrested in…
Sun, 12:59: RT @ LittleSenator: I’ve been in public office for almost eight years. If I’m out in public eating lunch or having dinner, you have every r…