I wrote a drabble for the
there_n_back March 28th insta-drabble, finally breaking my muses' stubborn streak. The words were curve, nervous, opinionated, and artistry.
I will give you one guess as to whom I wrote about.
She still made him nervous. No, more… caught off guard. Unbalanced.
If she walked into a room, the curve of her chin aggressively opinionated, she became his center, with all her fire and artistry and grace and ruthlessness. Scattering his world into a million tiny pieces of light.
He hated disarray. He was precise to the point of obsession.
Yet when she smiled, everything twisted again. It was all clearer, yet more complicated. Harmony and chaos at once, like a jewel with unnumbered facets.
And he felt that he would give a thousand lifetimes, just to see her smile forever.