Sep 16, 2008 11:18
Didn't hear back from Borders, so I assume that I didn't get the job. It may be just as well. Yesterday I went to both them and Barnes and Noble, and literally nobody I saw working there (maybe with the exception of one inventory guy) was under the age of 40. Whatever happened to the young, student-like atmosphere that we all knew and loved? Is this going to be the job experience for life?
Admittedly, it was very depressing. I really, really miss having friends nearby and was hoping that I could get some from the workplace. With a demographic like that, naturally it would be impossible. Now to figure out what to do next...
I am seriously considering quitting facebook for good in light of this new layout business. It's not simply a matter of 'OMG new facebook suxx!!!!! u facebook people r assholes!!!!' kind of reasoning. The new layout is just the final straw in a series of troubling moves over the past two years. First was the newsfeed and the ability to be found on Google. When people got frustrated over that , Facebook enabled privacy settings, but gave no control over what appeared in your newsfeed. I found the latter to be annoying, but was grateful for the first. Second was Beacon and the many ruined holiday seasons. The lack of consideration for privacy was shocking, but the angry outcry at least convinced Mark Zuckerberg and company to take it down.
Instead of learning their lesson, Beacon just taught them how to make another annoying change at the expense of the user while minimizing outcries. The 7-week-long 'adjustment period' of the new facebook layout was evidence of that. I am not angry at the confusing layout, but the profound lack of respect Zuckerberg has of his customers; demonstrated not only by the last two years, but also the clause in the terms of use that allows Facebook to alter them at any time without notifying the users of a thing. For a site in which you entrust some of your personal information to, shouldn't it not have some obligation to respect the concerns of the customer? Employers currently use facebook to research job candidates. Just because you don't have a photo of yourself passed out on the couch surrounded by fifty bottles of lager doesn't mean you shouldn't be nervous. What if said employers started using facebook to learn about your political convictions, sexuality and religious views (or lackthereof) if they haven't already? I fear for what is becoming of this world if corporate entities such as facebook can just slowly whittle away at our right to privacy and simply expect us to adapt to every change without fully realizing what is going on.
On the plus side, I will be staying on LJ and have some amusing 90s clips to post! Except I can't post the youtube clips needed. I keep pasting the URL in the embed media option, but a blank space keeps registering where the clip should be. Do I have to get a youtube subscription to get the code needed for the clip to work?
real life,
the tubes