Nov 15, 2004 17:16

~*Lets see where in the world to begin..i havent updated this thing in forever and a day...lol..but of course as you could most likely guess not to much is new..school..well ya know how school goes ..we just dont wanna go there..yuck. Pace is over so there for : ( now i dont getta see my lovely ladies (Stacy, Stacie, Kels) i hang out with half as much..or atleast not all at the same time. We all went out monday night and got all dolled up : ) it was for pace but it was still some what fun..lol. We'll have to all get together and have us a girls night out again!!* ; ) (halloween..hehe..shew good times..love my girls)..welp let see last weekend i went to sc with cara k-la and mia..it was fun to we went shopping..shopping..out to eat..to the movies..shoppin again..lol it was a blast...this weekend i went out wtih Isaac!! : ) he had to wait around on my butt all day to get ready..but its all good he puts up with me..hehe* we went shoppin..he made a mistake and took shoppin...lol..we all know how that normally woulda went..but i didnt buy nothin..i know i know...as shocking as that sounds i really didnt..wethen went to the movies to see the new lil chucky movie..ITS SO STUPID..dont even waste your time..then we talk to huddie fun fun..then went to buddy's house to watch garfield the new movie..it was better than the one we paid $6 to see...but oh well..had a good time...then sunday was my granny's b-daY! so she cooked a big dinner and me and all my family went to her house..it was fun too..i gotta to talk to my cousin marissa...i hardly ever getta talk to her..then last night buddy and his two boys came over..i hung out with them..kick cody's butt at mario cart (think thats the name of it) they are pretty cool kids..i like hangin out with em..but since i'm pretty sure you gotta be bored to death if ya still readin this i'll leave ya a few quotes or a song or somethin like that* lol Leave me a few if ya gets a chance*
Lots Loves!! ~*.:aLlIe:.*~ oh yeah and i talked to my girl lizzy i miss her butt! girly ya better be givin me a ring we gotta talk!!

..:-stupid funny quotes-:..

.*Baby ur just like McDonalds..i'm Lovin it*.
.*I'm not a tease, I'm just a reminder of what you can't have*.
.*'I wasn't kissing him...I was just showing him what I think of him'*.
.*im lost will you take me home with you?*.
.*Let's make like fabric softener and Snuggle!*.
.*Are you a ticket cause you got fine writin' all over you! LOL!*.


.:when you find that one person who makes your heart beat faster and slower at the same time its >>[L.O.V.E.]the conclusion to each day.You are all that I do, and everything I say.Your the smile on my face,the twinkle in my eye.The warmth in my heart, the fullness in my life. Your the hand thats laced in mine, and the coat upon my back.My friend,my love, my shoulder to lean on.You my silly, mature, caring, thoughtful,bright, and honest guy. The one who holds me tightly,when I need to cry. Your the dimple in my cheek, the ever-constant tingle in my soul. The voice that makes me weak, the happiness of my life. Your all I've wanted, your all I need. You are all I've dreamed of, you are all of this to me.

I said I would love you forever
And thats what I'll do
As long as you are true to me
I'll be true to you.
Your eyes I gaze into,
Your lips I gently kiss.
Your not even gone I already miss
The tight grip of your hands on my hips.
You mean the world to me
There is nothing you could do
to make me stop loving you,
I said I would love you forever
and thats what I'll do.

.:~There yall go..leave me a good one!!*:.
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