*^An Update!!^*

Jul 06, 2004 00:07

~*Welp its been forever since i've updated..i guess its turning into a once in a lifetime event..lol*~ But I actually got somethin to talk about!! (then when dont i..lol) I just got home this mornin at like 6 in the am!!* I havent missed bsg that bad in a while..lol...but i didnt go home..i went home with cassy and liz and jordy and RW and Don and finally came home at like 8* I've been gone to Ohio since friday...it was a blast! We went to kings island* Shew and the adventure friday (the day we were supposed to leave) was that cassy calls me at like 11 when we are supposed to be on the road already and says ^oh yeah darlin we are movin into the other house today pick ya up aroud 9^ mkay that gave me even more time to pack...then finally at like 9:30 they get here and we leave...we make it a full 15 mins down the road and stop....already need some food* lol so we all get out and go the subway where we get stranded till 10 cause Don couldnt find a gas station he wanted to go to (when there was one right across the road)...but i'm gonna have to finish the rest tomarrow cause i'm dead tired and gonna go pass out for the night*

~Lots of Love~
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