My tweets

Aug 08, 2011 15:24

  • Mon, 06:41: I wonder, is it possible to converse simply using gifs? One must investigate~
  • Mon, 06:44: quittance. /nod.
  • Mon, 06:49: Okay actually off to do productive things like not-sleep and maybe run to Kendal Castle and back~
  • Mon, 06:49: And the read Sense and Sensibility.
  • Mon, 06:50: And start my Alexander essay. \o/
  • Mon, 11:55: Did just block my Mother from seeing my tweets. This is a dark day indeed.
  • Mon, 11:58: It seems even withing my own home my Mother wants to "follow" me. #scarythings #dnw
  • Mon, 12:05: Is it bad that I want Herc to step in with Andie and Phobos and be all "you heard the fair maiden, Phobos, run along now~"
  • Mon, 12:09: RT @ qikipedia: Nobel Prize winning scientist Kary Mullis said his experiences on LSD were 'more important than any courses I ever took'.
  • Mon, 12:46: Read my response to "rape my BN :)":


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