Apr 25, 2005 21:09
well i got back from houston today, we had a vball tournament. it was 3 days sat sun mon. sat we won 1 outta 3 :-$ not good but so we got 3rd in our pool on sunday we won both games and got first then today we lost our only game (single elimination) it was sooooo close! o man we held them at 14 for soooo long and just barely lost it in the 3rd game 13-15. o well it was an aight season. i got better! :-) so im happy about that! my serves got so much better! i would serve like 5-7 serves in a row and like get points...DUH! and my passes are getting better too!!! YAY!! lol i really surprised myself i thought i was gonna do so bad, i was playing on a badly sprained ankle. on sat i thought about it a lot it was my first day playing on it since i did it so i was like i couldnt get my mind off of it. but the next day i just tried to ignore it. o ew i got a NASTY strawberry from sliding! haha i never slide but the one time i do. and then the day after i slid again and the scab rubbed off on my kneepad man that stung like H-E-double HOCKEY STICKS!! haha but its scabbbing up now so its aight. and i jammed my thumb and lost my voice! haha who woulda thought all that in vball?!
anyways houston was fun well the one lil itty bitty teeny weeny part of it. there was a world festival across the street from my hotel(which by the way was a really really nice hotel!) and so i went and they had this NBA thing and there was a lil freethrow shooting contest and it was soooo funny cause they were all rockets fans so mrs scudder went up there and yelled in the micraphone SPURS and it got everything started! haha so then it was like spurs vs rockets and there were like 5 of us for spurs...me scudder kass mrs scudder and kristen. and then kass and mrs scudder ended up winning the lil freethrow contest and shutting up those stupid rockets fans! haha and then the guy with the mic that we were talking trash to mainly was staying at the same hotel and i went in the elevator and he was in there and i was like SPURS!!!! haha and he goes "o no" lmao he was cool though! and then there was a sand castle built like the taj mahl (i dunno if thats how you spell it) and it looks sooooo real!! i was shocked! and there were these cute dalmations! they were rescued i think. and i got a pic standing next to a shaq poster. wow hes tall!
but i was so mad i was in houston for 3 days and i didnt go to the galleria!! :-( thats so upsetting!
oooooo and there were some HOTT boys at the convention center where we had our games, and i was in my lil spandex...haha i doubt they even saw me, but its nice to dream! next time...next time! lol
well thats about it...o wait me and andre well i dunno im thinking its a no. he isnt, i am ive told him but i just dont think he gets it.