Apr 20, 2005 19:04
OMG IM SOOOOOO HAPPY!! NOT ONLY HAVE I MET LIKE THE GREATEST GUY...I ONLY HAVE A BAD SPRAIN!! now im sure if you dont know my story your prob like thats not a good thing why are you celebrating...but those of you who do know why!!! know why im sooo excited!! man i like screamed when i saw the xray and there was no break! haha there was like some intern in there and he prob though i was pysco! ahhhh haha i dont care! and dr curtis said i can play this weekend as long as i think im up to it...AND I DO I AM!!
o well andre, i talked to him last night and hes so nice and i dunno just a great guy. we are going to the movies tomorrow! YAY!! well i dont have anything else to say