(no subject)

Jun 18, 2007 02:46

So tonight, after posting this, Kurt will spend most of the night on a Herm in the yard of the Sanc, and the rest on the roof. Where he just...stays.

What happened?
* Kurtlet is just starting to notice the subtle differences in a lady-Some when Kon comes back in the room. He grabs Some and pulls her in front of him. "Grueman shield!"
Some[female]: Hey!
* NormanOsborn winces. "Sorry, doctor. Old habits, hm? ...oh, that's -horrible.-"
* Phoenix_Wright 's nose hurts for holding that sneeze back, though.
Some[female]: Kuuuurt!
Kurtlet: What? He can't actually kill you. AVF!
octopus[female]: *takes a few deep breaths*
Phoenix_Wright: Ivy, maybe I should take you back. There's some sort of sex-change cold going on.
* NormanOsborn sighs, leans on the bar. Alternating between sips of tea and scotch. "I miss my costume."
* Ivy[orginal] turns bright red. "What?! S...Oh dear lord." The cookies go flying! Ivy is hiding her face in her hands right now!
* Some[female] squirms around to wrap her arms around Kurt. "Using me as a shield is low, Blue."
M`gann: Aah!
* M`gann tries to catch all the cookies!
Phoenix_Wright: !
* M`gann probably manages most of them, actually. Go go gadget extendable limbs.
octopus[female]: ...what, don't tell me they made you burn it or something.
* Kurtlet is...getting conflicting signals between words and squirmy lady in his lap. He maay be blushing a little. "It's only playing."
* Phoenix_Wright goes to Ivy. "Come on, I really think it'd be good for you to ACHOO"
* Phoenix_Wright is now known as Phoenix[Female]
Kon-El[female]: ...Damnit.
Phoenix[Female]: ...
NormanOsborn: I'm grounded. I so much as touch it, I'm locked up for the rest of my potentially very long life. After the Atlantean incident... which I -didn't even do...-
* Some[female] grins evilly at him. "I know. I'm having fun."
M`gann: :O
* M`gann has restacked all the cookies on the plate. She holds it, watching Phoenix.
* Ivy[orginal] seems very disturbed by the sex change. Maybe due to the fact she gets to know people through how their faces are put together. "....Meeeeeeeehhhhhh."
Kurtlet: Uhm, good! #^__^#
* Phoenix[Female] looks half ready to cry. "Damnit."
Kurtlet: Oh no, Phoenix!
M`gann: Are you all right? You dropped your cookies... *she offers the plate back*
* octopus[female] rubs her nose. "Ahh.... I see."
* Kurtlet blinks and then looks at Some in alarm. Everyone is coming down with it!
NormanOsborn: I miss my costume, I miss my mask... I miss my bombs... I miss my -glider,- oh God. I'd do things unmentionable, if they'd let me take a flight every now and again. But -no...-
* Phoenix[Female] fishes his pen out. "If I'm going to be stuck as a girl anyway, I might as well be stuck as one that can actually do more things..."
* Some[female] can see that! "Here, Kurt. You look left out." Kiss!
* NormanOsborn grumbles. "...fucking -Tony...-"
octopus[female]: [...maybe you should have a nice long chat with Jon about this, Norman.]
Some[female]: Now you can catch it too.
Phoenix[Female]: *click*
Kurtlet: O__O
* Phoenix[Female] is now known as Attorney_Mask
M`gann: :O!
* Attorney_Mask changes! Into... wut.
* Kurtlet 's brain just shorted out
Attorney_Mask: ...
octopus[female]: Well, at least y.... what the.
NormanOsborn: ...
* Attorney_Mask stares at the pen.
* Some[female] will just sit on his lap and wait for it to reboot, then.
* NormanOsborn snrks.
M`gann: Is that... supposed to happen?
Attorney_Mask: Okay, I think I speak for all of us when I say, "What the hell is this bullshit?"
* Kurtlet mmmay have almost followed for a second ki- *ACHOO!*
octopus[female]: You're a man again?
* Kurtlet is now known as Kurtlet_girl
Kurtlet_girl: [German German German]
Attorney_Mask: Apparently the sex change works both ways. *facepalms*
Some[female]: :o Wow, that's sped up. It took me half a day.
Kurtlet_girl: Well I'll bet no one administered it DIRECTLY did they?
M`gann: *in German* {...that's some very unpleasant language...}
Kurtlet_girl: ::|
Some[female]: No, I did not kiss Pants.
* Some[female] GRINS.
* EBB is now known as EBB|Sleep
* Kurtlet_girl was also in here yesterday surrounded by people, same as Some
Attorney_Mask: Ivy, um, I'd suggest going home, but I'm a little worried it's too late for that... *facepalms*
Kon-El[female]: ...
Some[female]: Should I go get Isamu?
* Kurtlet_girl is going to tickle the HELL OUT OF SOME NOW IT IS POSSIBLY RASSLE TIME
Ivy[orginal]: I'm fine. I don't get sick easy.
Kurtlet_girl: [German German!]
* Some[female] squeaks! Ack, rassling!
Attorney_Mask: That's good. Um, I guess I should explain about this pen crap...
octopus[female]: hh... huh... *rubs her nose*
* NormanOsborn laughs.
Kurtlet_girl: ((ack Rassilon? :o))
Ivy[orginal]: What pen crap? *oblivious!*
* NormanOsborn wallows in the chaos.
Some[female]: Norman, save me! *laaaaaaughing*
Ivy[orginal]: ((Would it be funny to see Ivy as a guy?))
* Kurtlet_girl soon has to stop. Ow ow ow, boobs ow. He's not as blessed as Kon but it's a nice set of knockers nontheless))
Attorney_Mask: A bit of Nexus silliness that, um, usually goes the other way. *his tone RADIATES his embarrassment*
NormanOsborn: No! You made your bed, and now you have to sleep in it!
NormanOsborn: ...er, so to speak.
Kurtlet_girl: ...Well THANKFULLY I have a bra left still. And if you give me crap about THAT I am going to dunk you in icewater!
Some[female]: I would never, she's my student!
* Ivy[orginal] grins at him. "So I'm dating a Nexus superhero? How neat."
* Kurtlet_girl scoots down the hall
Kon-El[female]: ... I hate the Nexus,
Some[female]: Haha, I don't need a bra. *yelled after Kurt*
* octopus[female] sighs, and heads off quietly to sleep or possibly write a Last Will And Testamanet.
NormanOsborn: Goodnight, Otto!
* NormanOsborn waves!
octopus[female]: *cringe* ...goodnight, Norman.... goodnight, everyone...
Attorney_Mask: It'd be neater if I got to stay a guy when it happened.
M`gann: Not requiring chest support is a matter worth bragging about? o.o
Ivy[orginal]: True. I don't really swing that wat. ^^;;;
M`gann: *confused*
* M`gann is still holding the plate of recovered cookies, though. ...wait, one's missing. Oh well.
Ivy[orginal]: He doesn't like having breats that poke out.
Attorney_Mask: So, um, you're not... TOO weirded out by this?
* octopus[female] has quit IRC (Exit: )
Some[female]: Breasts are weird.
Kon-El[female]: They're heavy D:
Some[female]: Good pillows, though. *grin*
NormanOsborn: Oh, they can be -fun,-though.
Georik: It'll kill me if I get infected.
Some[female]: Well, yeah. Have you met Nyoka?
* Some[female] has a particularly well-endowed girlfriend.
Ivy[orginal]: Nope. I chalk it up to the Nexus. So long as you're normal eventually. *she tilts her head* Otherwise I might need to do some research.
* Kurtlet_girl comes back in. http://userpic.livejournal.com/62987461/11100679
M`gann: ((Ivy: *gets out the bondage gear* ::D))
Attorney_Mask: Eh heh...
* Attorney_Mask looks at himself. "This outfit is so ridiculous."
NormanOsborn: Heh.
* M`gann coughs in Phoenix's direction.
* M`gann is trying to indicate, um, plate of cookies here.
* Kurtlet_girl GLARES at Some and slams around after a soda.
* Attorney_Mask looks. "O...oh!" He takes the plate and passes it back to Ivy. "Um, here..."
* Some[female] slides off the couch and follows Kurt.
* M`gann has eaten at least three or four of the cookies in the interim.
* Attorney_Mask looks at himself. "Well, that's one way around things, I guess."
* Attorney_Mask looks at Kon. "Hey, maybe you should try it too."
* Kurtlet_girl is POUTING http://userpic.livejournal.com/62987536/11100679
* Ivy[orginal] nibbles cookies. "Thanks."
* Kon-El[female] pulls out the pen.
Kon-El[female]: Hmm...
Kurtlet_girl: You know Savvy doesn't like me like this.
* Kon-El[female] clicks.
NormanOsborn: ....has Miss Grey ever been genderswapped?
* Kon-El[female] is now known as Trooper_LOL
* Some[female] ruffles her hair. "Yeah, but it's not going to last very long."
* NormanOsborn looks lile ::3
Attorney_Mask: No problem. *looks at Kon* Hey!
M`gann: ((AHAHAH))
* Trooper_LOL flowerly scrolls appear out of nowhere, flowers burst out, and Kon is now male, wearing samuraiesque armor.
Kurtlet_girl: Nein, and she doesn't need to be. *puts up with the hairruffling, and is thus not as pissed off as she would be if, say, she hadn't had this happen before*
Attorney_Mask: ...wow. That's pretty cool, Kon.
Some[female]: She totally does.
Trooper_LOL: Neat.
Georik: ...
Some[female]: Come on, she'd be an adorable guy.
Kurtlet_girl: Oh great. 'Cause our relationship really needs for /neither/ of us to be attracted to the other. *is totally straight what are you talking about hush*
Some[female]: What, you think you're only attracted to each other's parts? You're both way too young for that.
Kurtlet_girl: O__o What are you even talking about?
NormanOsborn: Ahehah. The Grue has a point.
Some[female]: Nothing. *innocent*
Attorney_Mask: ...
Kurtlet_girl: I'm not GAY. And neither is she.
Some[female]: And your point is...
* Kurtlet_girl isn't having sex either, but shush.
NormanOsborn: And? You can't be friendly to each other while swapped?
Some[female]: Do you love Savvy because she's Savvy? Or just because she's a girl?
M`gann: I have never understood the human preoccupation with gender alignment...
Attorney_Mask: They do have a point...
Kurtlet_girl: ...I don't want her as just a friend. And SHUT UP THIS IS YOUR FAULT. *okay now we're getting mad*
NormanOsborn: *there is a bubbly sound from the ceilingfish*
Attorney_Mask: ?
* Some[female] sits back a bit. "Should we go talk in a room?"
Kurtlet_girl: All you STUPID people with all your STUPID sex with everyone. Can't you just be in love like you're supposed to? *storms out*
Attorney_Mask: ...
NormanOsborn: *and it's suddenly a put duller in colour, very drab and brown.*
Some[female]: ...
NormanOsborn: ...
Attorney_Mask: I think the fish just sneezed.
* Kurtlet_girl is totally coherent when he's mad, really.
* Some[female] shrinks, like he's been gutpunched.
NormanOsborn: ....well, then.
M`gann: That was strange. *this from the green girl*
Attorney_Mask: ...Some?
* NormanOsborn gets up. And follows Kurt.
Some[female]: I- Damnit. Norman, tell him I'm sorrry?
* Some[female] disappears.
* Kurtlet_girl will be in #theyard ?
NormanOsborn: To hell with that.
M`gann: :o??
* Some[female] is now known as Some[lurk]
* NormanOsborn storms out. Unhappy himself. B|
* Kurtlet_girl is outside, perched on a herm, angsting.
M`gann: ((how appropriate a location.))
* M`gann floats out a few moments after Osborn comes out here.
* Osborn[yard] storms out, looking... oh, another mood swing, yay. "You have the damndest way of treating your 'friends,' you know that?"
* Kurtlet_girl turns and glares and then turns away.
* Kurtlet_girl is now known as Kurtania_yard
* Osborn[yard] is gearing up for a monologue, oh boy.
* Kurtania_yard totally deserves it.
* M`gann watches... she as much wants to learn what's going on as to stop people from being angry.
Osborn[yard]: I'm not going to coddle you, to hug you and tell you it'll all be alright and we were so misguided for trying to joke with you and poke fun. Neither am I going to scare you into thinking that if you don't apologise, Some will never speak to you again -- we both know he's too much of a pushover for that, and he'll beg -you- for an apology as soon as you allow him in your presence again.
Osborn[yard]: I just want you to know that I feel you have behaved very poorly, and you have lost a great deal of my respect -- and I did regard you highly -- with this outburst. That is all. Now, I'm going to go inside -- if you feel like sitting outside and sulking all night, you can feel free. Or you can come inside and we can discuss things like adults.
* Osborn[yard] turns to go back inside.
Osborn[yard]: Goodnight.
Kurtania_yard: Discuss what? My failures as a person because I am only attracted to women?
Kurtania_yard: That I am worried about this because Savvy has -said- that she doesn't like me like this? Last time I barely saw her at all until I was back to normal!
* Osborn[yard] ignores him. And goes back inside.
* Kurtania_yard snarls in German and broods fiercely. BROODS!
M`gann: Could it have been that lack of contact that she was objecting to, rather than your gender itself?
Kurtania_yard: ...You don't know what you're talking about.
M`gann: You're right--I don't.
* Kurtania_yard doesn't feel like discussing her problems with a stranger.
M`gann: But I don't like to see people hurting like this.
* Osborn[yard] is now known as NormanOsborn
Kurtania_yard: So what, I'm supposed to open up my little blue heart so YOU don't have to feel bad? Go back inside!
* M`gann winces. And goes.
* Kurtania_yard won the victory of being left alone after being a total bitch to someone! Go...her...hm.*

savvy, trouble, some, chatlog

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