(no subject)

Jun 15, 2005 00:03

it just hit me.

we're done...we're no longer kids

we've all grown up! 4 more years and we're already moving away from home !!! we grew from the young little kids we knew to these old kids whos lives are filled with drama and too large of egos...for some ppl. but the sad part is when i think about my future my one main goal in life is to have no regrets but when i look back now i already have some. i wish i hadnt taken these years as a kid for granet. because now there all over and done with! i missed my chance to make something of my self and now ill never get those years back. i miss being a little girl when life was so easy and i could do any thing! swim in the middle of the day with my little floaties...eat a popsicle and drop it on the floor and be able to cry my head off...hide in closets and drawers and hideouts. as i look back i had so many good times growing up and now i feel like im going to forget them all! i already am forgetting so much and i missed out on all these years and i cant help think how much i could have acomplished ! whats even worse is ive become so close with some people and now that we're going to different schools i dont know if i will ever see them again! nella, rimsha, makenzie, mishaver, shiraya, sam, carly and whoever else is leaving... i dont know what im going to do without you guys...i love you guys so much and i hope we all stay in touch because i dont know what i wud do if i never saw you guys again. so many things have happen ...even in just these 3 years and its hard to think its over. it seems like it was seriously yesterday i was on the newyork trip...or performing oliver...or reading my torah portion and becoming a batmitzvah...or getting into show choir...or entering abbott!! i want a redo of my life... i want to pay attention this time! but we're no longer kids now and ill never EVER get to be a kid again...high school is more serious and once i get to college and past that its all just real life... i dont want to leave middle school... i like abbott and i like the people no matter what i thought i thought in the past... i love you guys and i hope none of you ever forget me because i know i wont forget you guys. i always thought i had such a bad life and every thing sucked but i see now that i was too busy noticing all the bad things in my life that i missed out on all the good things! and now i missed them...im gonna be different from now on...im gonna live every day to its fullest and enjoy every second, im going to keep in touch with all my friends and make new friends, im going to help out whenever i can, i wont sweat the small stuff and i will put 110% into everything i do...and when the day comes that my life decides to end and i move on to the after-life... i hope i can really look back and honostly say that i have no regrets.

im sorry for everything ive ever done that ever hurt anyone and im sorry for those close to me that i complained too all the time...you are all amazing and you only deserve the best of friends and the best life you can possibly have

class of '09 i love you!!!!!!!!!!!
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