Title: it's a primary color
allibababRating: PG
Wordcount: 296
Spoilers: None, really, since this didn't actually happen.
Summary: She had nothing to lose now. Not with him. (Jack/Juliet)
A/N: Should be studying, am instead having orgasmattacks in response to Jack and Juliet's interactions on Lost tonight. Meant to make this a 100 word drabble, but I suck. And I'm wordy. Apparently. (Obviously.)
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
it's a primary color
Like the color of her eyes, always imploring, examining, inscrutable. Like the cotton blouse she lifted to show him her mark, the one he tried to heal in that way he always did. Like the tingle that sparked in her skin, his fingers curled so gently around her hip, a spark that flew up through her arm and jolted her heart, shifting things into place. Like the starlit water, splashing dark and heavy against the prow of the boat.
She tried to smile, pulling her lips back, but things were so complicated and she felt like nothing was ever communicable. She didn’t know if they’d ever been completely honest with each other, or maybe they had, even though they hadn’t been trying, even though they were suspicious. Words were faulty; smiles were even worse. She let hers creep off her mouth, and it made her so sad, that this was how things were, that she didn’t know what to do anymore. The lapping of the ocean covered the sound of her blouse as she risked herself, once again, her fingers sliding across the metal sheet between them. When she’d lost everything before, he had been there; she had nothing to lose now. Not with him. Lightly, she pressed a cool fingertip between his first and second knuckle, then followed with the rest until her palm was flat against the roughened back of his hand, her fingers moving to the spaces between his.
She didn’t say anything, just watched the water and felt the heat from his hand. He didn’t speak either, and he wouldn’t look at her, but he didn’t pull away and it was more of a personal victory than she had had in awhile.
It made her blue eyes burn, just a little.