Title: Five Times Jim Wakes Up in the Morning
allibababRating: PG-13? Just for one bad swearword.
Wordcount: 1085
Summary: The sun is too bright when he opens his eyes.
A/N: My first Five Things attempt. Thanks to
fireworkfiasco and
biggerdorkthanu for the fabulous beta.
It starts back when things were easy. )
Comments 4
I was waiting for you to post this on LJ before I left a review. I was just saying earlier that sometimes I need to give myself time before leaving a coherent review, and I know I've read this already, but seeing the finished product gives me chills all over again, and I knew that yesterday when I read it again on MTT all I would have been able to say is akjaksdha;hasdfaj;, or !!!!!!!.
Seriously though, when I first read this, I felt it, I saw it, and I heard it, because you have amazing skill at being descriptive.
watches dust drift lazily through the air
even the slide of iridescent silk beneath his fingers wouldn’t dull the numbness
Her hair is all over the place, including his face, but it is soft and it burns a bright color in the light
grasping at his stubble with her hopelessly soft mouth
You get what I'm trying to say. How do you do it? You have me completely in awe and I. LOVE. THIS.
Yay, thank you so much! I'm all smiley now. ♥
I sent you my newest but I didn't put in my e-mail what it was supposed to be so when you read it you're probably going to be like, huh? It's "Five times Karen says I love you." I'm iffy about it.
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