Brand new super friending meme!

Jun 24, 2012 23:47

Hey guys, I know theres several friending memes out there already but Ive found they're all pretty much quiet and full of tumbleweeds, so I decided to make my own. I'm new to the fandom and need some fellow avenger fans on my f-list. And really, can we ever have too many fellow avengers fans on our f-lists? Never!

Be nice, no bashing, and Pimp. This. Out.

You know what to do, copy & paste and fill this in.

(Hey so I tried to do that fancy html box thing but that was just not going to happen with my level of techno-ability. Basic typing  and html-ing will have to do here guys.)

Oh hey, whats your name?:
So what do your friends call you?:
Where do you come from?:
And how long have you spent on this planet?:

Who are your most favouritest characters in the whole wide world?:
And which characters should totally get together (if anyone)?:
Do you have a favourite pre-avengers movie?:
Which avenger would you want to spend a day with?:
So what other fandoms can we find you in?:
What sort of thing do you contribute to fandom?

And finally
What can we expect from your journal?:
F-locked or not?
Any final words?

If you want to pimp this around then feel free to link away or feel free to make me a fancy link banner if you really really want to!!

Thats enough from me, now go and fill this out!

avengers, friending meme

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