Jan 09, 2005 12:11
so weekends are supposed to be relaxing...BULLSHIT. i don't think i've ever been so tired in my life...
lets see so this was the first week back to school. that sucked. lots of stuff happened but im not gonna get into it.
thanks to alejandro for watching out for me on friday night..i love you!! :-D and anna...you need to find different guys LOL
yesterday was a really long day. i went to bed at 1:30 on friday night and had to wake up at 8 on a saturday morning. that's not right. so i had to be at LCA by 10 for cheering...then we had the alumni game at 11 and we did halftime with the alum cheerleaders...the spirit dance should die and go hell. then we had lunch (i talked to erika instead) and then we cheered at the boys varsity game at 1:30. kevin rawnsley got really hurt and had to be taken out of the gym on a stretcher and left by ambulance. I feel bad cuz its his senior year and he's out for the rest of the season most likely, cuz when he was leaving i looked at his knee and the bone was jutting out of the side of his leg...yeah it was gross. all the cheerleaders sat down and it was cold so me and ellice huddled together and of course we can't talk without laughing and the rest of the squad got mad at us for "being disrespectful" but honestly we had no idea what was going on cuz we were on the other side of the gym and couldn't see anything. :-\
then jaclyn came and picked up me and ellice to get ready for the party!!! haha fun times guys...my seductive pic...me doing jaclyn's hair and ellice doing jaclyn's makeup...oh yeah then of course ellice doing my makeup which took like a half an hour haha...but i looked GOOD!! LOL...i love you guys!!
at 7 everyone showed up...it was fun times. It was me, jaclyn, ellice, monica, brian, jordan, matt, justin, michelle, doris, alison, sarah, and kim (emily and amber and kyle didn't come :()...i may have forgot someone im not sure LOL...hahha so many funny moments i love you all!!