(no subject)

Oct 19, 2004 20:39

name="quizform" target="_new" action="http://www.kwiz.biz/showquiz.php?quizid=24436" method="post">

Your Livejournal Blind Date
LJ Username Gender malefemaleneuterotherFavorite Color blackwhiteredyellowgreenbluepurplesilvergoldfireWhat you are wearing Oh look! Your blind date is mcgakadasickboyYour date is wearing tin foilYou dine in the garbage dumpster behind a fancy French restaurantThen you spend the next three hours poking a dead squirrel with a stickBefore taking you home, your date gives you hours and hours of hot sweaty sexThis makes you feel embarrassed
This QuickKwiz by sarcasticka - Taken 18873 Times.

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school sucked. i did my spanish paper and an oral all before class. that was good. didn't take our senior class pic today cuz of the rain. owell. sammy needed a ride after school cuz her car broke, but i hadda work :(. she came in to visit me however at like 4, and i had a talk with mrs castner bout our fun halloween party that will be goin down at the castner house 8 ) lemme know if you wanna come haha.

just talked to my papa! he called. havent talked to him for so long! kelly's first communion is on sunday so i gotta go to that. awww my kel's growin up!!!! i get to see Fenway (their new puppy) for the first time too! can't wait!

worked with steph for a little while today, and alejandro! we were talkin about how much i love his hairrr<3 he has this giant afro i love it!!

gotta go start the homework..i'll turn on the game for a few til OTH. (sorry, but it's more important than the red sox. and rw) theyre a must.

senior priv in the afternoon tomorrow..anyone wanna chilll ; )
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