some background...

Aug 31, 2008 16:12

1. First Name: Allison

2. Age: the big 25

3. Location: Orange County, California. Buena Park to be more exact.

4. Occupation: [the evasive answer] i work for the county. [the honest answer] i work for the DA's office.

5. Partner: Steven, our wedding is January 9, 2009!

6. Kids: none yet.

7. Brothers/Sisters: 1 sister, Lauren. then there will be the in-laws: Ken & his wife Ebony, Rich, and Mike.

8. Pets: just our little kitty, who i call kitty. her real name is Damian but that's a boy's name so i refuse to call her that.

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life: 1) wedding! it consumes most of my planning & weekends. 2)new[ish] job/career. adjusting to an uber-conservative office. 3) saving for a new car/condo deposit.

10. Where and for what did you go to school for?: i went to school in fullerton because i felt like i had to. i always excelled in school, i just never really liked it.

11) Parents? my dad passed away this year & my mom is amazing & annoying all at the same time. steven's parents have been married for 40 years or something & have been sleeping in separate rooms for more than 30 of them. we're not really sure how any of the boys were conceived... lol but the have a very cute, loving, respectful relationship, so it works for them.

12) Who are some of your closest friends?: steven. my sister, and lots of people i don't spend enough time with anymore :-(
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