You know...I think I mainly keep reading
st_xi_kink com for LOL value of the prompts. For example,
Cereal!Spock Must Happen!!! "Cinnamon Toast Crunch! Real Cinnamon & Sugar in EVERY BITE!" I want a cereal-crazed!Spock! and I want the rest of the crew to be like, "WTF!" Spock on cereal sugar high would be awesome! (I can imagine him slurping the milk!)
Every time I see/think about Spock Prime, I just want to hug him! I can't be the only one...
Option A: 5 (or more/less) times someone wanted to hug Spock Prime, and 1 time the said "To hell with it" and actually hugged him. Bonus if it isn't Jim or his Papa that hugs him
Option B: A drabble/ficlet where someone hugs Spock Prime
There is no need for pairings, in fact, I'd prefer if there was no romance involved... but if you have to, Spock Prime/Pike has somehow wiggled itself into my brain.
And then the title of this one just make me LMAO: Don't Knock the Spock Rock