So the other day, Adam, Chrissy, Diandra, Eric, and I went to Nutley to watch the meteor showers. We left around four and then we ate at Pizza Uno's and went bowling before heading to our usual spot in Boot Park.
Chrissy helped Diandra put eyeliner whiskers on her at Pizza Uno's. XD
This was our sky around eight in the evening. It cleared up by ten, but we were obstructed by trees. We need to find a better spot.
Adam teaching me how to find north on my compass.
It was a very minor meteor shower, or at least it seemed that way (I only saw about three meteorites, two of which were very bright). Perhaps it just wasn't dark enough. :( But next time we'll be ready. We'll go to upstate New York and everything, so that we'll just have a clear expanse of sky.
The sky started getting cloudy around midnight, so we just started fucking around. XD
The next two following meteor showers that I know of are:
The Orionids - Visible Saturday, Sunday, and/or Monday mornings of October 20-22. 2am-6am local daylight time are the best hours as the radiant is highest then. Orionids are at SOUTH-SOUTHEAST.
The Geminids - December 14 from midnight until morning twilight (viewing can be productive even before midnight). The Geminids can be viewed in any spot in the sky.
On another note, I just faxed my resume to Dr. Merela. :D