
Oct 12, 2009 00:30

Most stories in fiction or in life have a murky beginning middle and end.

Beginnings are more clear. I mean that was the day I moved to Alberta. Or that was the day I first worked at this job. Or that was the day I first met that girlfriend. These events in our lives are clearly defined by these moments of firsts. These are the times these stories begin. Absolute clarity of time.

Except the story, every one of them, has a long preamble of before the story began. How did we arrive at the point of where each story begins? Does the story deserve a prologue? Or can we fill in the necessary background later? Or completely abandon this idea and have the story start where the story starts and forget about it?

The biggest question always seems to be about the missing prologue to Genesis. It just starts off "In the beginning..." but what happened before that? I mean the was God and there was void and there was nothing at all? It's incomprehensible! So I guess it is the ultimate starting point of any story.

And everything is just a lead-up to the finale of course. That was the day he died. That was the last time I saw her. That was the last time I was in that town. That was the day I quit (got fired). But hindsight is 20/20. Every story seems deserving of an epilogue. Maybe if we're lucky a sequel. Or unlucky, as the stories vary.

Some stories seem to drag on and on. Others seem to resolve too quickly. Stories that seem to just be left with too many threads hanging leaving you with unanswered questions.

Often we don't care enough to know what happened. I mean every action movie the hero kills the bad guy and all his henchmen, but we're never put in position to care about who cleans up the bodies (that Rambo/James Bond/etc.) killed, or what their families would have to deal with in the years to come. We're meant to assume every henchman working for DrNo was single.

But I'm not just talking about fiction. I'm talking about my life and yours. I mean I can name the very last day I lived in that town, worked at that job or saw that girl. But I'm never absolutely certain. Hindsight being 20/20.

In another tab I have my very first lj entry from January 8 2003 where I chronicled the beginnings of my computing experience. While it might sound cryptic to you I know exactly what events I was talking about. That's 8 years now with computer, 7 of them on lj. Lj was like a huge awakening for me, for suddenly computers had a purpose for me. I had been signing in as a anonymous guest to comment (and argue) on people's blogs (and taking things very personally I might add). But getting my own account was freeing.

I only say this because it's always been my refuge. And through 7 years I can only think of 3 people who know about this account. Not that I've kept it a secret. It's just that real life friends always ended up in a separate compartment of communication. And lj friends here.

One was a mentor from when I was a young teenager in group residence. She knows. I wonder if she still checks in from time to time. Another was a Vespa salesman I bought a bike off of. We chatted here once or twice but that was it.

In real life you never know if it's the end of the story or there will be epilogues or even sequels. I mean find I'm having Facebook sequels to stories I ended 30yr.s ago. And the Facebook sequels while rewarding in some respects, generally suck.

But the point of this entry is entirely for and about the 3rd person I told. I wonder if she'll even see this. The ending to that story came swift and abrupt, although not entirely unexpected. Seeing how there were so many bread crumbs, I wonder if I was being played. Ah well, just emotional bullshit I have to work out. This lj blog often acts as my therapy. Over is over and my character should be surprised if it was just the chapter ending.

Can I post a picture? Sure I can. Nobody reads this.

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