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Sep 21, 2005 17:14

this is my extralong weekend entry. keep in mind that i wrote most of this on saturday, and didnt get a chance 2 put it up, and then i didnt feel like changing the tenses. so yea...

spent the nite @ my grandmothers last nite, cuz i had an acting class 2day that she could take me 2 cuz it, like, 10 minutes 4m her house, plus i get 2 spend time w/ her, which is always fun. she bought me stuff. XD theres these pjs...well, its more like one of those super long shirts that goes down 2 my knees, but its purple and it has a pic of tinkerbell in purple and it says...umm...something inspirational about dreams coming true. i dont remember the exact wording, but its cute. :) we watched monster-in-law. thats a funny movie!! plus kevin is hot. :)

so 2day she dropped me off at Conejo Something-Or-Other...some kind of Arts Center...and the Acting Class started. oooh. actually, it was really good. im the oldest in the class. the youngest is 10. so. but the teacher is really nice (i never caught her name; i feel bad.). first thing we did was a little improv. urgh. (jem shook his head at me throughout the whole exercise) its called "Follow the Leader" theres a line...and a leader...how original. so the leader call out a place that u can be in or walk thru/on, like "at the bottom of the ocean" or "walking over hot coals." and we all have 2 "be" there while following the leader wherever s/he chooses to go. when it was my turn, i said "we're flying. in the sky.....on a boat." the teacher looked at me real funny. lol. but we pulled it off ok. then we did "animal improv." she gave us each an animal to be (CHEETAH) and we had 2 walk around the room (which was really big) as that animal. this little 11 or 12 year old, linda, happened to be a giraffe, so i spent 5 minutes stalking her and the 10 year old chimpanzee. it was kinda fun. :D THEN...we did a couple scenes 4m jungle book, so we could work some MORE on animal characteristics. when she got to me, she goes, "im going to go against type and make u Chil the vulture." hmmm...."against type"? what type do i look like? lol so she gave us a few minutes w/ the script, and, looking at it, i was reminded of LW&W, and how much effort lexi put into her demon. so then i started thinking, "well, what would lexi do with this character?" and so, by trying to think like her, i put together a decent walk and talk that i thought a vulture might do...if it could talk...anywayz, she said use your space, but everyone was kinda cemented to the floor...so when i finally came on, i scared everybody by hopping around the room like...well, like a half crazed, cackling vulture screeching alternately about droughts and eating everybody and talking about herself in third person. it was only when i finished my last line (the last line in the scene) that i noticed how loud i had been. i was echoing in the hallway. the teacher blinks a moment, and goes , "good! now, who can tell me what was so fantastic about haylies vulture?" (me: *blush, blush*) so we discussed my performance for a while, saying that i "put the character into my voice" (well, no shit, i was screeching like anything! lol (i based the voice on an insane ITW bernadette witch w/ a slightly british accent)) and i got into the character physically (well, i did...i even had my arms kinda folded for wings, and i tried 2 imitate that hunch that they do in the disney version). i was REALLY proud of that character. shes REALLY fun 2 play....lol and it was a really short scene, 2...less than 5 minutes! then we did another scene, and i was baloo, but that wasnt as good, cuz all i said was "we're under the Water Truce, Sherakhan," and "Akila! cool off!" big fun there...then class was over. hehe she said we're prolly gonna do the one act play "a dogs life." never heard of it. most of the characters r dogs. so...

then i went back to grandmas and we watched an AWSOME dvd...she bought me this PBS special thing about the whole history of broadway, from the 190-somethings to today. theres a special "DVD only" featurette ALL ABOUT WICKED!!!!! the problem is...i cant take it home yet. grandma says i cant take it home before we watch all 6 episodes together. we watched 3 today. :) they mentioned RENT in the first one, in the very beginning, but now its going chronologically, and were still in the 40s-50s. but its REALLY good!! they take the biggest stars and do little mini-bios on their lives, and do histories on certain broadway hits, like Showboat, and The Cradle Will Rock. its SO awesome. and CHIP ZIEN IS IN IT!!!!!! well, the first episode...he sings a song, and they kinda try 2 make it sound like its an old recording 4m the time period, but i was like "nuh-UH!! thats chip!! thats my husband u cant hide him from me!!!" hehehehe i got pretty hyper....thats what m&ms can do to ya...hehe its hosted by julie andrews and theres interviews from relatives of the people theyre talking about and theres interviews with some of the ziegfield follies! its real neat. :)

then we left. as we got closer and closer to home, i got more and more miserable. maybe because i cant stand my mother, and i was stuck in a car with her. whatever it was, i just got sadder and sadder. my mood was not helped by the fact that my ipod whacked out again. then mom tells me that me n keith n dad r going on this moonlight hike thingie. which sucked since i was in one of those moods where i didnt wanna leave the house. so while we were eating, i just started crying. i dont know why, i really dont. dad tried 2 put his hand on my shoulder and i was just like, "dont touch me!" mom asked me y i was crying and i told her that i dont know, and she tuts at me like im stupid to not know why im crying. as im running to my room, my mom shouts after me, "well if youre not gonna eat, then put some jeans on for tonight!" what a sympathetic mother i have. i just laid down on my bed and cried and cried and cried. jem tried 2 hug me but i smacked his hand away too, but the way i did it i ended up sorta twisting his arm around, and then he goes "fine. be that way" and walks off. which, of course, makes me cry even harder...hes not back yet. its been getting harder to talk to him lately. its scaring me....

::edit:: he came back the next morning. thank goodness...

so on this hike thingie, i ended up talking to this guy named ron levy about alternate universes and stuff. he was very impressed that someone of my age was thinking thoughts like this at this age. :D hehe fun fun.

i wrote a creative writing story 4 english called "Gemma." no, the name is not coincidental. lol i like it. its about this guy named michael borton who runs this girl over and then finds out shes an orphan and asks her if she wants 2 b adopted. :) lolol its cute, tho...mr. lopez was impressed...so was his wife...(???) lolol XD
comment if u r SO fascinated by this that u absolutely MUST read it! XD
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