
Apr 02, 2007 22:54

i love passover. and lorches. i love lorches at passover. hell, i love lorches any time of the damn year.

damn, i had so much fun. mom dropped me off at matt's house, and me, him, his grandpa, julie, and scott drove to matt's uncle gary's house. and so we're chilling there, and then we decide we wanna watch a movie. so the two of us run (well, 'run' is more of a figure of speech; matt hobbled, and i followed slowly behind) up the stairs to the room where all the videos are, and as soon as i get in the room behind him, he turns around.

i didn't know the boy could kiss like that.

after a minute i look at him and go "you were just waiting for a chance to do that, werent you?" and he just grins at me (one of those gorgeous, sweet-as-hell, "of course" smiles) and i get kissed again.

before we started, scott and gary came over and gave me this little piece of white stuff to try. i was sure it was the maror, and they both had these smirks on their faces. i was suddenly reminded that these were the men that told 5-yr-old matt that airplane bathrooms cost 25 cents to use, so he filled his suitcase with quarters for the plane trip.

i ate it anyway. i think steam started coming out my ears. and my sinuses were cleared. hahaha.

i got teased a lot about being in the family. there were a lot of welcomes, making sure they werent too crazy for me, and warnings about how i'd be thrown out of the family if i didnt like something. hahaha.
and apparently, me and matt have to get married, divorce 6 months later, and then start dating someone else so we can complete the circle. lol

the service was neat. matt led most of it, since uncle david wasnt coming. lol. we did a lot of it in english, so i understood most of what was being said, but we had books that had it in Hebrew on the right and english on the left, so i could get a general idea of what was going on. i couldnt say any of the prayers or anything, though, cause it was written in the hebrew alphabet, but i listened. ^.^ matt wanted to make me do the four questions, cause i'm newer at this than anyone there, but rachel ended up doing it.

so the part where the whole story is told, everybody got to read. we just went around the (very large) table, everyone reading a paragraph. even me. :) poor little rachel always got the ones with humongous words, and daniel got all the ones with Hebrew names; in preparation for his bar mitzvah, scott said. lol. when the part about the plagues came up, gary pulled out a big box of Plagues in a Pyramid, and Plague Masks. hahahaha. we had a lot of fun with those. lol. so now gary has a picture of me slightly drunk with a locust on my face. should be amusing. hahaha.

we had dinner after the first part. everyone was surprised that i ate the gefelte (sp??!) fish without horseradish. but it was good!! and matzoh ball soup. yummy >.< the second part took, like, a third of the time the first part did, cause by that time everyone was like "ok, we're done. now." haha

and then it was go-home time. lol. everyone was asking if i was coming tomorrow night. and they all seemed very sad to discover that i wasnt. which made me feel good inside.

one of my bad habits is thinking too far ahead. but sometimes i just cant help it. like tonight. we were playing with gary's girlfriend's kids - daniel's 12, yoni a few years younger, and rachel is younger than keith, i think. so we were having a tickle fight. and it suddenly struck me just how good of a father matt would be. and how i hoped i would be there when he was. scaring him with my pregnancy hormones. going through lamaze. him telling me to push, me telling him to get the fuck away.
i want that.

don't tell me i'm thinking to far ahead; trust me, i know. but i can't help it.

it's a beautiful picture, isn't it?
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