Ice Station Awesome had it's weekly challenge last night--Apple Smashing. You have three apples, and after spinning around 3 times, you must smash the apples on your head, the first to finish is the winner! the
video is up on, thanks to Ryan (
equivoke) at.
I also decided to quit smoking yesterday at around noon---after the 4 or so cigarettes I had before then, I only had 1 more at about 11 o'clock--but I got the patch this morning, and I would just like to say, that these things are fucking ridiculous. I put it on, and immediatly, I could feel the nicotine surging through my arm and into my hand, and I became very lightheaded. I've had this thing on my for about 30 minutes, and it feels like I have been chain smoking Marlboro Reds all morning.