Mar 03, 2017 15:05
today was busy as hell, but it ended at 2 all is quiet and everyone is gone.
I have until 4 pm.
Gotta hit the market on the way home for a few foodie supplies.
no plans for tonight, other than vegging out.
My sister is working until 2 pm tomorrow and doesn't feel like going anywhere after work. maybe we can rent another Red Box movie and we can chill at her place.
We just found out Survivor starts next Wed night!! we both thought it would be later in the month, so we needed to start on our Survivor pool asap! I got the list of participants off the internet this morning and put it all together. She needs to bring copies of it to work, and I just need to email copies to a few folks. It is much fun and makes watching the show more fun. (I keep a Survivor folder on my desktop at home, and I start a new sheet from the last season, as soon as the season ends, so it is ready to go. I just need to plug in the names of the players. easy!)
Also Dancing with the Stars starts March 20. We are seeing if we can float our pool for that, as 3 people dropped out. We need 12 participants.
anyway, we will figure it out.
I got my taxes paperwork yesterday, so I signed on the dotted line and put in the mail for my CPA. I am going to be about $400 less than last year, because of unemployment and new job, etc....
I am going to have to put some money from my paycheck each week into my savings to help this for next year (I use my refund for my homeowners/auto ins and reg/insp my car, all due in January...)fark!
I tell ya.....
so, that's the latest.
Man it is so cold out!! I am glad it will only last a couple days, then back to warmer stuff.
My heating bill has been loving the warm! Me too.
One more week to more daylight! yahoo. Can't wait!
so that's it.
Have a lovely evening, All.