Feb 05, 2017 20:27
my sister's boyfriend will have aortal heart valve replacement surgery tomorrow. He had rheumatic fever as a child and that borked his heart valve, not to mention he is in the 1-2% of people born with a 2 part valve, instead of the 3 part valve. He is healthy as a horse, with *no* other health complications, so this should be ok. I met the surgeon today, his name is Dr Sisto, and he is from Italy. Seemed like a very nice man. I believe he will do a great job, but prayer, juju, any thing you want to throw out there would be great.
Horst's daughters are concerned as is my sister...of course, but I think all will be well.
my sister has tomorrow off, and will text me when it's over.
Horst seems to be ok with it, but he is probably concerned, as well. who wouldn't be?
Saw "Lion" today in between visits with Horst. It was good. If you see it, bring tissues.
doing well with my diet. Feeling great. We will see what the doc says on Thursday.
Watching the Pats get their ass handed to them by the Falcons in the Big SporstBall Game.....
Just saw Lady GaGa do the half time entertainment. It was good!
Night all.
sweet dreams.