Nov 23, 2002 23:35
Had about 1 hours sleep in 2 days... heh. Went to Camden today and sat in Worlds end with Lewis, Emma and various other people, there was a guy who'd had his labret pierced a few days ago and I didnt want to tell him how much it looked like it was going to get infected...
I've been texting Ames and Darren and Ames is learning What went wrong for me! I love that song!
I got rid of all my coloured shag bands for the moment so I just have the black ones on one arm and the silver spikey ball braceletty thing that Alex from Splinter gave me on the other arm.
I have had such a great weekend, and am happier than I have been for ages, hopefully this isnt just a brief thing and everythings sorting itself out, I really hope so. My brother went to see Foo Fighters yesterday with Cave in as support... how fucking jealous am I? Ha.