Aug 28, 2005 12:44
This is a silly, petty annoyance, but:
Does my mother ever stop TALKING?
She wanders around the house, just narrating. "I forgot to buy such-and-such at the store, I'll probably need it sometime this week, can I go again on Wednesday? No because I have that meeting, Jessie you have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, I'll meet you at home right after two, I can get some cleaning done if I leave work at one, man I have a stomachache, I had a stomachache yesterday too, did you eat all the grapes? no there are still some in the fridge." Is she talking to herself? I'm certainly not listening. Neither is my dad. But she keeps up this constant narrative of what she's thinking, loudly, as she walks aimlessly from room to room. It's as if she's losing her mind.
It's very frustrating. She was doing it today and I just looked at my dad and we both did the "What the fuck is WRONG with her?" face.
She just walked past the computer and she is STILL TALKING. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! SHUT UP, WOMAN!