Peace Corps and the 'Rents

Nov 22, 2007 00:29

So I told my parents today about the serious possibility of me going into the Peace Corps.  They had lots of questions.  My mom did a mini freak-out when they asked how long and I said two years.  When they asked where...well, I chose to keep that vague, I said I didn't know the specific country yet, but that it wouldn't be South America or Eastern Europe, which had both come up with my recruiter.  Doing the math my dad ticked off Asia, Africa...various islands.  My mom did another mini-freak out at the mention of Africa.  So despite my not saying that's where I'm probaby going, I went on to lecture her a bit about politcal stability and the media and such and how they don't send you to countries where the political climate isn't very stable.  One bomb at a time.  Personally, I don't see the difference, but well, the general impression people have of it is certainly probably that it'd be the worst place on earth to live, with the possible exception of certain middle eastern countries at war (that and, she's a bit racist).  So I'll work her into that one after she's accetpted the possiblity of me leaving for two years, and of how the Peace Corps system works, and that they look out for you, and it's really not that scary.  Maybe some progress there, and letting them learn some more about the program, then we mention Africa again.

Yay.  I'm feeling optimistic.  I'm reading Nine Hills to Nambonkaha, a book by a PC volunteer in Cote d'Ivoire.  Obviously it won't be the same, but I think it's good to get an idea.  It's true that volunteers in Africa have the lowest chance of getting running water and/or electricity (which is rather high, even in other PC areas) but I think I can deal.  That's not a threat to my safety, and eventually my mom might understand that too.  Generally the reception wasn't as bad as I'd imagined, and I'm glad that I don't have to worry about that anymore.
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