The Little AU: Interludes & Whispers: Steady

May 29, 2011 00:10

It's Karl who's the steady one. They've always known that, that that's who he is.

Viggo spends time in Spain with Ariadna, takes her to Argentina. They fight. They fuck. It's - "Nothing," Viggo says, "She's just a friend."

Orlando is head over heels with Miranda. So protective of Flynn that he doesn't mind having nappies and burp cloths hanging out of his pockets in the pap pics, as long as the damn vultures leave the baby alone.

It's Karl who, between small films, between auditioning and working cons, Karl who keeps the houses attended to, mends fences, paints gates.

Puts new windows, more "green", in both the grey house and the bluff house- "Saves on the dust" is his excuse, but really it's for Flynn, for the noise [cuts it way down], for the temperature [keeps it more steady]; really it's for Viggo, for the noise [less distracting], for the temperature [just the faintest hints of arthritis starting, all those injuries in the past, the way he won't slow down now, and Karl doesn't want him to, so the house has to do the work, right?].

It's Karl who's there when Ariadna loses her temper and flies back to Spain, and it's Karl who knows how much Tylenol to give a teething baby who won't stop crying when Mum's away at work, and it's Karl who's there at the end of the day, always Karl, their steady ground, their earth.

the little au, interludes and whispers

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