The little AU: Summer Winds: Breezes

Jun 30, 2008 22:33

The little AU: Summer Winds: Breezes


The sun is bright and warm and the hat on his head does nothing to keep it cooler, but the bill shades his face, and he's learned not to look at the cell-phones and long-lens cameras but to keep doing what he's doing as though he were the most ordinary man in the world.

Which he is, for now- just a man working out a new relationship, letting what he's learned about love and trust and caring find its way into this new possibility, this one that, maybe, holds the chance of children.

When they've checked in and gotten settled he takes a few moments on the verandah to check his messages- one from each of them, just to say I love you. Be safe, be well.

He texts back messages that read about the same- no hint of the two years+ -nearly three- or is it longer? It's been always, hasn't it? This well-woven compassion they have for each other, he and Viggo and Karl, that lets them lead their own lives when they need to and still hold each other close, closer than he's ever been held, so that they're always safe even when it's the scariest.

And it scares him a bit, this journey he's on- it's more adult than anything he's done so far, and the risks are so much greater- but it's honest, and it's warm, and it's unfolding as he walks it- so all he can do is take each step as it comes, lean where he needs to, and keep his eyes on the road, and not the standers-by.

The breeze brings the scent of freedom on it, and he smiles as it brushes his face. That's what love is, innit? Freedom?

previously: Stolen
next: Unseasonable

orlando, the little au, summer winds

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