The Little AU: Winter Hopes: Closer

Mar 10, 2008 21:33

The Little AU: Winter Hopes: Closer

General Meaning: Earth stands above heaven and heaven seems to be on earth. The gravity of matter merges with the upward radiation of the light to merge in a deep harmony. This juxtaposition denotes a time of peace and blessings for all living things. In the affairs of men, tranquility comes when the good, strong and powerful show favor to the lowly, and those of more modest means are well disposed towards those who are currently blessed. There is an end to all feuds. In such a state, energy is high, the way clear, and the prospects for great success outstanding.

A deep chaos abides in nature, but man, by carefully responding to the rhythms and cycles of the world around him, can find peace in the natural world. By planting the right crop in the right place in the right season, the farmer brings harmony to the natural world of plants, and prosperity to his family. Similarly, any business must adjust to the natural cycles of the season; only through flexibility and adjustment can order and growth be maintained. Peace produces a time of flowering and prosperity; the wise person channels this positive energy to all quarters, to each in proper proportion, just as a farmer waters his field. But be vigilant: otherwise, peaceful conditions can foster the growth of weeds as well as flowers.


What most people don't know, what he forgets himself, often, is that Harmony is not the purity of a single note heard alone, but the interworkings of several notes to create something that no one of them can bring to life.

So it's not about being a superstar, or the most this or that actor, or having petitions signed about him, or any of that.

It's about how well he can -not blend in, those days are either long over or haven't come yet, and does it really matter? not at the moment- not blend in, but join in, lend himself to causes, projects, relationships that seem to benefit from his presence, and feed him with their existence.

So he's in London for the new film; doesn't mean he's not still flying back and forth from place to place on the maps as though time and space didn't exist, but for the next some weeks home base will be the place in London.

That means that Vig's 5 hours behind, and Karl's 8, or- no, they've changed time things haven't they? in the States? so Vig's only 4 hours behind, and Karl only 7. Still too far... but closer.

All of it's closer. Or so he hopes. A time when the notes each of them sounds rings clear and true and they can sound them together in some way or another, not hide, not feint with the world, but just be who they are. "Privacy's expensive," Johnny'd said. He keeps coming back to that, turning it over and over in his mind, looking to see how privacy can best be accomplished in the busy conundrum that is their shared and separate lives.

Overhead the stars shine down, and underfoot the old London cobbles sing to him of the hands of the men who found them and laid them, and the horses who hauled them in, and hauled loads over them, and the note of his footsteps rings off the buildings and back up to the heavens, a harmony of one, of all, of everything.

previously: Traitorous dreams and saving graces
next: Rage, rage against the dying of the light

the little au, hope, winter hopes, despair-work

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