The little AU: Fallow: day two: Res Ipsa Loquiter.

Dec 25, 2007 21:27

The little AU: Fallow: day two


He uses the time between Christmas and New Year's to think about the backstory- the "Time between birth and page one of the story" -that he'll have to know, to understand in his own way, so that when the time comes it's not him on the screen, it's the man he's giving life to.

They have things to say, points to make, dilemmas to work their way through, the characters on the page, on the screen: it's his job to allow them to use him to do that, to tell their truths.

Each of them has his own method, and some people like one man's ways better than another's. They've worked out among them that it's not about good-better-best in that way- Viggo's way is not better than Karl's or Orlando's because it's more method, or Orlando's less because it's so non-verbal, or Karl's less deep because it's more visceral, less schooled.

What matters is that each of them wants to know the character, and wants the character to know him, deeply, intimately, until they trust each other completely- until they know that there's no violation of trust on any level between them. Because when the camera's rolling, when the editing's done, when the final print is cut, there's no going back. No making up some excuse for a mistake, a misunderstanding- no room for any willful misjudgement. There's only the film, only the story. Nothing else.

Res ipsa loquiter is often translated as "The thing speaks for itself"- but more accurately is read as, "The thing itself speaks."

That's what they aim for. That degree of honesty, that kind of revelation. To let it speak. To let the fire burn, that others might see by its light and be warmed by its flame. In the finest mirrors, the glass is invisible. Only the reflection- the play of light- is returned to the viewer's eyes, to speak itself, to tell its own story. The mirror disappears.

Each of them uses the fallow week to mull, to polish his mirror, to let things sink in. The quiet does him good, each one in his own way.

previously: day one: outside
next: day three: Breathe

the little au, fallow, despair-work

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