The little AU: Summer Dreams: Sleep

Jul 30, 2007 21:43

The little AU: Summer Dreams: Sleep


Viggo's getting cranky.

Maybe it's old age, at long last catching up with him.

Maybe it's the damn imperialist Bush/Cheney insanitocracy and the fact that no-one seems to be pushing very hard to impeach the bastards.

Maybe it's that it's been a number of months, now, since they've all been together at the house at the end of the bluff road, and he's lonely, and missing them, and wanting that comfort that comes from nowhere else but home.

He decides to paint about the first one. Large canvases, broad strokes at first- loosen up every joint in his body doing it and then see how he feels.

The second, he writes about. In his journals, on the Perceval website, to friends and relatives and anyone who will listen, the fans- anyone. Help me! he cries, in this writing, Help me free this world of ours! He lets the words go on their way, hoping that they'll find fertile ground in the hearts and actions of those who read them.

The third is taken out of his hands by Orlando, who writes (writes! with a pen, and on paper) him a short note from London to say "Even if it's extended, I'll be home for Christmas. You and Karl better be there, old man." With a smiling face sketched in, and on a flier for the play.

Not so cranky anymore, Viggo whistles up the dogs, finds the leashes, takes his cup of maté from the kitchen counter, and heads on down the beach, smiling.

summer dreams, the little au

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