Title: Something That Finds You
windfallswestFandom: Marvel 616, featuring: the New Warriors, the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Nova.
Pairings: Kaine Parker/Vance Astrovik, Angela/Gamora, Kitty Pryde/Peter Quill, Namorita Prentiss/Richard Rider, Selah Burke/Mark Sim
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: <----
Word Count: 140k
Summary: Everybody gets lost in space!
Notes: Cross-posted to
marvel_slash. The lastest in
Love or War. Follows
I've AU'd some things, mostly minor, like teh sekrit wrrz. I swerved off at the very end of Nova vol 5 (2013) and Guardians 3000, and I think I may have ignored an entire volume of the Silver Surfer (oops).
At the end of Realm of Kings, Richard Rider and Peter Quill risked everything to trap Thanos in another reality, one where nothing ever dies. They failed. Thanos and Quill have returned, but what about Richard Rider?
Hanging on the answer to this question are Rich's brother Robbie and the other Nova Corps recruits whose Nova force was taken in preparation for the final conflict, as well as old allies Darkhawk and Namorita, one of whom may be on the verge of a drastic physical and mental transformation. All of them are still out there somewhere in space.
Meanwhile, back on Earth, the recently re-formed New Warriors seem drawn to the stars. Water Snake has been charged by Atlantis to bring home Namorita, who has been thought dead ever since the tragedy that destroyed the team at Stamford, but cannot find her anywhere on Earth. Original Warriors Justice and Speedball are eager to help her in her quest for their teammate. And Sam Alexander, the new Nova, knows that his father is somewhere in the far reaches of space on a ship that is running out of fuel.
But the future is unravelling. In a last-ditch effort to prevent the collapse of all reality, the original Guardians of the Galaxy are trying desperately to find a way back in time; however, the hazards of their own fragmenting timeline have separated them. One of them has already arrived, but cannot remember what brought him to the past.
Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you.
-Loretta Young