
Jun 18, 2010 13:24

This page contains all those nitty-gritty, not often thought of details about what I do and do not tolerate whilst interacting with Zack. I'm pretty laid-back so this isn't too extreme, but please do take a look if you're not sure about something specific.

out of character.

back-tagging. Of course! I'm pretty slow myself from time-to-time so I encourage this.
thread-jacking. Absolutely, but please use common sense and ask first where possible.
fourth wall. DENIED. No thanks. I'm not even a fan of fourth-walling events in games, so no. Just no.
offensive subjects. Uh, my only real ticks are rape and drugs so yeah. Anything else doesn't really bother me.

damage control.

picking a fight. It's probably not a good idea to pick a fight with Zack. Whilst he'll do everything in his power to talk you out of it and avoid conflict, he will defend himself if he has to and uh... He's strong.
how much damage will he take? A shitton. He's an (ex) SOLDIER 1st Class, so he can withstand a lot. Hell, he even managed to make it out of the mako tanks with his mind in tact, which is a lot more than Cloud can say. So he's pretty strong, both physically and mentally. It will take a lot to stop him.
maiming/crippling loss. As long as it doesn't involve loss of limb, I'm pretty much fine with anything with Zack. It's not like he hasn't been experimented on before or anything...


telepathy or mind-reading. Go for it. This is a nifty ability and I wouldn't deny anyone.
physical/mental control. Yes, but probably limited to JENOVA only for obvious reasons.
other things to note. --


hugging. Hell, Zack will probably be the one hugging you.
flirting. ... And flirting. He kind of flirts with anyone.
kissing/intimacy. Totally fine, as said before, it'll most likely be Zack coming onto you.
relationships. Of course~ ♥


what not to mention around this character. Any mentions of science labs, etc will probably make him frown a bit. And don't threaten his friends or you'll probably regret it.


how competent this character is in battle? Ridiculously competent. He's an (ex) SOLDIER 1st Class and it pretty much took a whole troop of men with guns and helicopters to stop him in the end so... Take that as you will.
strengths/abilities. Exceptional sword and hand-to-hand combat skills, etc. Just think Cloud/Sephiroth and Zack's probably somewhere up there too.
physical endurance. Like I said. Helicopters. This guy can take a lot, and he will take a lot before he backs down, especially if he's protecting something or fighting for a meaningful cause.
magical resistance. Probably dependant on the spell, and what Materia he has equipped in turn.

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