[Video | English | 45% lock from Scientist]So it's come t'my attention that a lot a ya are askin' 'bout gettin' these "chip" things outta ya, eh? Jus' so happens I know a little bit concernin' them now. Ain't no expert, but a little slicey slicey an' I can get 'em outta ya. Maybe
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the thing is i wwould really like to get my chip out
ya have magical sparkly troll powers or something?
no i dont havve any powwers
i am powwer less
go on and laugh but wwhat i lack in powwers i make up wwith my fine knowwledge of wweaponry and general information on howw to kick your ass
wwill you do it
so then why bother getting the damn thing out? you cant be all that with the stupid thing in?
and if i did yad have to wait
got a lot of people ahead of you asking already
because i wwant to see if removvin this thing wwill let my gun wwork
if i can removve it and my gun wworks at its full capacity instead of like a piece of shit then i can hunt more wwhales for food
oh fuck you
you wwasted my time wwith this really shit and noww youre sayin i cant get in
thanks a fuckin lot doc wworthless
why the hell wouldnt a gun work like its suppose to with or without a chip in? its a fucking gun theres no chip in it
now now them are harsh words kiddo
and i never said i wouldnt do it ya just got here late so ya have to wait your turn
doc worth thats my name dont wear it out
really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really
really really really really really really really really really really really really really really
do you get the picture noww??
wwell wwhy is it wworkin like a stupid piece of shit then doctor wworthless
can you answwer that or are you too wworthless to evven bother
ill shovve my wway to the head of the line then
the fuck would i know? i dont use guns dont care about guns so fuck all if i care if your stupid gun works right or not ask someone whos gun savvy here to look at it or whatever
then ill shove your punk ass back to the end
this is my line you dont like it find someone else to take your chip out
im not trustin idiots wwith ahabs crosshairs
i wwould rather be culled first then hand ovver my gun to someone
especially wwithout an alchemizer to copy it
ill pay you
pay me what sweet cheeks?
and i dont knoww
wwhat wwould you like
i can get it
how about a castle id really like a castle with hookers royal hookers
and i cant get you that
i meant somethin reasonable like
more bandaids or an extra hand
i cant build you a fuckin castle wwithout worker drones
you said anything
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