Today... and stuff

May 22, 2007 10:13

Well, I'm going out to lunch with Carly today. She should be here at Noonish. I don't know where we're going. She says she doesn't know any food places out here (Even though she lived out here for quite a while). I said we could go eat out in her area. Her response: "I'm not driving out there to pick you up only to drive back!" Well, problem solved! I can take the train and she can pick me up from the station! But, every time I suggest that she flips out. I don't know, she's weird. She acts like the train is going to get hijacked or something.

It's BEAUTIFUL outside! Yesterday it was all yucky and looked like it wanted to rain. It's still on the cool side, though. I have the windows open, but I can't put TJ outside.

Kevin's 30th birthday is coming up. I got him a couple small things. But, I'm trying to find out if the Animal Way Station allows visitors. He's been interested in the place for a while now. And, I'm certain he would love to visit. Bonus: I could get some kick ass pictures of rare animals. If all else fails, we'll go to Olvera Street. He's been wanting to go there, also.

I'm officially a student. I registered for Sociology yesterday. Of course, I had some problems doing it because the community college likes to do that. But, it all worked out. I ordered my book and am just waiting for the bookstore to get it in.

I ordered a new camera. I'm really excited about getting it. It should arrive soon. It's an Olympus Stylus 810. My current is a 710. So, just a little bit of an upgrade. It comes with a bunch of extra accessories. I got a really good deal on it. I'll be giving my camera to my mom, and she'll give her camera to my sister.

Okay, fish feeding time. And, time to clean.

household randomness, friends, family

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