I wish I knew what I did in a past life to deserve such a horrible (and reoccurring) case of Herpes simplex virus type 1 in this one. Nothing short of participating in numerous human sacrifices deserves this. Knowing my luck, it'd be because of something as lame as tax evasion.
It hasn't (and hopefully will not) spread as far up my nose as I had thought it would. It looks terrible anyway. I'm not going anywhere until it clears up. Stupid cold sore.
As much as I've complained about it, this isn't the worst cold sore I've ever had. Once, in high school, I had one on the philtrum (space between upper lip and nose), right dead smack in the middle - once it had scabbed over, it looked like one of those tiny Hitler 'staches. Not fun.
Anyone watch Deal or No Deal? That stupid woman. I so would have taken the $100k+ offer. She ended up with, what?, 25k? I bet she's kicking herself in the ass.
I made a couple more icons this evening while watching Eurotrip for the zillionth time. I love that movie. Can't share any of them at the moment, but *points to usericon* that's the one I made for
movie_stillness - won 1st place :D!
I ate a handful of caramel popcorn earlier and one of those annoying sliver things is stuck between 2 teeth. I can't get it out either - toothpicks and floss are useless (I have a crowding problem - I should go have 1 or 2 pulled, but I so hate the dentist.) I'll just rinse vigorously with some Listerine - maybe that'll help.
OMG my nose itches.
/end random post