I'm not calling you a fag so why would you call me a breeder?

Dec 19, 2011 12:15

You know… I kind of don’t understand the whole thing about discriminated groups being discriminating. Ok, I mean, I guess people who get picked on for being a certain race or a certain sexuality could build up bitterness and want to lash out against those who have hurt them. HOWEVER you would think that these people would, more than anyone, realize how being not everyone is the same and that difference is something to hate someone for. When blacks (for example) hate on someone for the simple reason that they’re white or a gay person shouts “breeder” at someone for the single reason that they’re straight it really bugs me. Bugs me as much if not more than when I see majority-on-minority prejudice. I mean, look, you guys hate it when homophobic people call you thing like “fag” right? So why use the term breeder for all straight people? We can get offended too. And it’s one thing when someone shouts “fag” and you shout “breeder” back, but what makes you think that it’s ok to coin that term for all straight people? I don’t use offensive terms toward sexuality (or racial, religious, etc) minorities and I would appreciate it if you didn’t use those sort of offensive terms against me. I remember once hearing one of my gay friends say “fuck breeders.” Funny that he has so many straight friends with that attitude. I went home and deleted all the e-mails from all the equality orgs I’m signed up with that I got that day. I just didn’t care at that moment. It was such a “fine, you want a hate war, go at it on your own.”

It’s STUPID. Why would you discriminate when you know how bad discrimination is!? It’s like if I was to discriminate again fully abled people because I have a disability. It makes no fucking sense guys. I understand that frustration builds up but two wrongs doesn’t make a right! And, honestly, I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who throws the term “breeder” around anymore than I would want to be friends with someone who throws the term ”fag” around.

tl;dr version:
a) I take offense at being called names.
b) I think everyone deserves common courtesy.
c) Being abused does not give you the right to be an abuser. If you're being an ass, you're being an ass regardless of who you are. Golden rule: treat people as you want to be treated.
d) I would think that people who have experienced things like verbal assault and stereotyping would know how offensive it is and would think before doing it. .
e) Being attacked for you identity by members of a cause you consider yourself an ally to makes it doubly hurtful and makes me doubt where these people even want allies because one usually does not attempt to alienate ones allies.

/end rant. Sorry.  

my life, rant, bitching

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