Recs for fics w/o sex -- new comm

Aug 30, 2011 13:19

Banner by schwarze_elster.

Fic. Great, isn’t it? Fan writers can take your favourite characters and make you laugh, cry or make you feel a little funny in the… No wait! Fic doesn’t always have to be about NC-17, full on, sexiness, does it? No! But sometimes it can be hard to find fics that can be romantic, fun or sad without all that X-rated grinding.

There’s more_to_fic than that!

more_to_fic aims to compile a list of great fic recs from a wide range of fandoms which are about the characters and not their sex lives. So come over and celebrate friendship, great plots, action/adventure, humour, romance that stops outside the bedroom door!

fandom, pimping, fanfic

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